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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 17, Issue 1, pp. 1-221

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The Set of $2$-by-$3$ Matrix Pencils — Kronecker Structures and Their Transitions under Perturbations

Erik Elmroth and Bo Kågström

pp. 1-34

On the Stability of Cholesky Factorization for Symmetric Quasidefinite Systems

Philip E. Gill, Michael A. Saunders, and Joseph R. Shinnerl

pp. 35-46

Preconditioning Reduced Matrices

Stephen G. Nash and Ariela Sofer

pp. 47-68

Residual Bounds on Approximate Solutions for the Unitary Eigenproblem

Ji-Guang Sun

pp. 69-82

A $QL$ Procedure for Computing the Eigenvalues of Complex Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrices

Jane K. Cullum and Ralph A. Willoughby

pp. 83-109

Total Least Norm Formulation and Solution for Structured Problems

J. Ben Rosen, Haesun Park, and John Glick

pp. 110-126

Solution of Vandermonde-Like Systems and Confluent Vandermonde-Like Systems

Hao Lu

pp. 127-138

A Schur Method for Low-Rank Matrix Approximation

Alle-Jan van der Veen

pp. 139-160

Jacobi Angles for Simultaneous Diagonalization

Jean-François Cardoso and Antoine Souloumiac

pp. 161-164

Application of ADI Iterative Methods to the Restoration of Noisy Images

D. Calvetti and L. Reichel

pp. 165-186

Stability of Symmetric Ill-Conditioned Systems Arising in Interior Methods for Constrained Optimization

Anders Forsgren, Philip E. Gill, and Joseph R. Shinnerl

pp. 187-211

Numerical Methods for Nearly Singular Constrained Matrix Sylvester Equations

Ali R. Ghavimi and Alan J. Laub

pp. 212-221